What being a disabled millennial like

I guess it's been exactly a year since I started blogging. I started writing with the intention of gaining some perspective in my life and it totally worked. I'm right and everyone is terrible. At the start of the year I had my trusty neuromuscular disease which makes it impossible for me to physically care … Continue reading What being a disabled millennial like

It’s like you can call anything ableist now

Disabled person: that's ableist NTAB: OMG you say everything is ableist That's because it is. That's the point of disabling people. From very basic slang to gas chambers, a society creates everything intending to remove that which they don't want; when this refers to a person it's called disability. That's what the word means. You … Continue reading It’s like you can call anything ableist now

What is an IQ? Explained through Star Wars

IQ is an abbreviation for the German term Intelligenzquotient (intelligence quotient) coined by psychologist William Stern in 1912. IQ tests work by determining a person’s “mental age” in comparison to their chronological age. Intelligence itself has multiple definitions ranging from measurements of logic, comprehension, emotional depth, creativity, etc. but the word itself is derivative from the … Continue reading What is an IQ? Explained through Star Wars