Menhera and me

More and more I'm seeing people mention the new street fashion in Japan called Menhera which is ridiculous because it's been around for a long time. It started around the same time as emo was taking off in the West, the beginning of the century, but at that time it had more to do with … Continue reading Menhera and me

You look lame

Why did Superman wear glasses to conceal his identity? Why did that little accessory signal to all of society, regardless of culture or language, that he was the antithesis of everything Superman stood for as a social and physical body? Why would you never hit a man with glasses? I'm sure you've heard of social … Continue reading You look lame

What is an IQ? Explained through Star Wars

IQ is an abbreviation for the German term Intelligenzquotient (intelligence quotient) coined by psychologist William Stern in 1912. IQ tests work by determining a person’s “mental age” in comparison to their chronological age. Intelligence itself has multiple definitions ranging from measurements of logic, comprehension, emotional depth, creativity, etc. but the word itself is derivative from the … Continue reading What is an IQ? Explained through Star Wars