Uninspirational Inspiration

All disabled people have their abilities belittled and marginalized, which is why depression and suicide is so prevalent in our community. Everyone feels worthless to some degree; whether in their school life, working life, family life, love life, etc. ABs interpret our frustration and anger as narcissism and demean us for being bitter. They intentionally … Continue reading Uninspirational Inspiration

It’s like you can call anything ableist now

Disabled person: that's ableist NTAB: OMG you say everything is ableist That's because it is. That's the point of disabling people. From very basic slang to gas chambers, a society creates everything intending to remove that which they don't want; when this refers to a person it's called disability. That's what the word means. You … Continue reading It’s like you can call anything ableist now

Old disabled people are irrelevant

The social model of disability was created in 1975 by UPIAS (Union of the Physically Impaired Against Segregation) but was coined as "the social model" in 1983 Mike Oliver, a disabled academic. Disabled people didn't have a civil rights movement until the 80s and much like the feminist movement it was both allies and the … Continue reading Old disabled people are irrelevant