Menhera and me

More and more I'm seeing people mention the new street fashion in Japan called Menhera which is ridiculous because it's been around for a long time. It started around the same time as emo was taking off in the West, the beginning of the century, but at that time it had more to do with … Continue reading Menhera and me

Old disabled people are irrelevant

The social model of disability was created in 1975 by UPIAS (Union of the Physically Impaired Against Segregation) but was coined as "the social model" in 1983 Mike Oliver, a disabled academic. Disabled people didn't have a civil rights movement until the 80s and much like the feminist movement it was both allies and the … Continue reading Old disabled people are irrelevant

Mutant Millennials

Everyone wants us to die, it's unanimous. They have the capability and the inclination. So why aren't we dead yet? We don't have the power that they do. We don't have autonomy. Our humanity is still disputed. We aren't alive because we fought hard enough, we're alive because they need us.