Cable’s disabled childhood

As an X-Men character and member of the Summers family Cable has an extensive and convoluted story so I'm only going to cover a small glimpse of his childhood to look at his disability and disability narrative. Mutants are considered a marginalized race in the Marvel universe and mutation is used as a metaphor for … Continue reading Cable’s disabled childhood

Unrest, a visual handbook for the loved ones of disabled people

The award-winning documentary Unrest by Jennifer Brea was released on Netflix this week, introducing chronic illness to the larger public. Brea is described as a modern-day Odysseus as the movie documents very real and metaphorical journey to discover who and what she is as a disabled woman in her 20s with an invisible disability. The … Continue reading Unrest, a visual handbook for the loved ones of disabled people

Old disabled people are irrelevant

The social model of disability was created in 1975 by UPIAS (Union of the Physically Impaired Against Segregation) but was coined as "the social model" in 1983 Mike Oliver, a disabled academic. Disabled people didn't have a civil rights movement until the 80s and much like the feminist movement it was both allies and the … Continue reading Old disabled people are irrelevant