How to murder a disabled kid and get away with it

There seems to be confusion over what are laws or not concerning disability. I'll first begin my explanation with an example Americans are likely familiar with, racial segregation. In the 1869 case of Plessy v. Ferguson the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of racial segregation as long as it was "separate but equal." This … Continue reading How to murder a disabled kid and get away with it

Disabling narcissism

The disabled identity is considered to be defined through suffering due to physical pain and extreme prejudice. Those who identify as disabled are considered to be narcissists because the act of embracing that identity is interpreted to be an embracement of suffering in an attempt to gain emotional and financial sympathy. Both disabled studies and … Continue reading Disabling narcissism

Old disabled people are irrelevant

The social model of disability was created in 1975 by UPIAS (Union of the Physically Impaired Against Segregation) but was coined as "the social model" in 1983 Mike Oliver, a disabled academic. Disabled people didn't have a civil rights movement until the 80s and much like the feminist movement it was both allies and the … Continue reading Old disabled people are irrelevant