Glee is as terrible as I remember

As per request, here is my review of Glee Season1: Episode Nine "Wheels." Full disclosure, I have seen this before; this isn't my type of show but after it was on for a few seasons I caved in to peer pressure and binged watch it but I don't remember much other than it didn't really … Continue reading Glee is as terrible as I remember

Unrest, a visual handbook for the loved ones of disabled people

The award-winning documentary Unrest by Jennifer Brea was released on Netflix this week, introducing chronic illness to the larger public. Brea is described as a modern-day Odysseus as the movie documents very real and metaphorical journey to discover who and what she is as a disabled woman in her 20s with an invisible disability. The … Continue reading Unrest, a visual handbook for the loved ones of disabled people

David is disabled

David was discovered trapped in a concrete box and once he escaped he was transported forward in time where Bishop resided. It was a dystopian future and David was immediately captured and put into slavery.