David is disabled

David was discovered trapped in a concrete box and once he escaped he was transported forward in time where Bishop resided. It was a dystopian future and David was immediately captured and put into slavery.

Where did all these crippled people come from?

People are always making comments about how they're surprised or skeptical that someone young can be disabled. There is a very simple explanation for that: millennials are the first generation of disabled people whose majority reached adulthood.

What is cripple punk? #cpunk

I saw Kevin or Chad or whatever; he's an aryan dude who was captain of the basketball team but then he got drunk or fell off something he was climbing or some other dumb shit and now was paralyzed and he was constantly telling everyone how he was proof that you should treat disabled kids like they're real people. I mean, yeah, duh, he was one of them who accidentally became one of us so of course he was like them.