Timely review of Gattaca

Gattaca is set in the vague near future. You have this guy who was conceived naturally, named Vincent, who is sort of chronically ill because he is a 99% chance to develop heart disease with a life expectancy of 30 and because of that he's discriminated against and can't get employment. Vincent uses the black … Continue reading Timely review of Gattaca

You look lame

Why did Superman wear glasses to conceal his identity? Why did that little accessory signal to all of society, regardless of culture or language, that he was the antithesis of everything Superman stood for as a social and physical body? Why would you never hit a man with glasses? I'm sure you've heard of social … Continue reading You look lame

It’s like you can call anything ableist now

Disabled person: that's ableist NTAB: OMG you say everything is ableist That's because it is. That's the point of disabling people. From very basic slang to gas chambers, a society creates everything intending to remove that which they don't want; when this refers to a person it's called disability. That's what the word means. You … Continue reading It’s like you can call anything ableist now